Posts Tagged ‘english’

« How to kill the child within » – Skippy Dies by Paul Murray – extract

You spend your childhood watching TV assuming that at some point in the future everything you see there will one day happen to you: that you too will win a Formula One race, hop a train, foil a group of terrorists, tell someone « Give me the gun », etc. Then you start secondary school, and suddenly everyone is asking you about your « career plans » and your « long term goals » (.) Gradually the awful truth dawns on you: that Santa Claus was just the tip of the iceberg – that your future will not be the rollercoaster ride you’d imagined, that the world occupied by your parents, the world of washing the dishes, going to the dentist, weekend trips to the DIY superstore to buy floor tiles, is actually largely what people mean when they speak of « life ».

Now, with everyday that passes, another door seems to close, the one marked PROFESSIONAL STUNTMAN, or FIGHT EVIL ROBOT, until as the weeks go by and the doors – GET BITTEN BY SNAKE, SAVE THE WORLD FROM ASTEROID, DISMANTLE THE BOMB WITH SECONDS TO SPARE – keep closing, you begin to hear the sound as a good thing, and start closing some yourself, even ones that didn’t necessarily needed to be closed

A moth on a reed

Is hoping to breed

A colony of shiny beads


Tie me, will you ?

Tame me, won’t you ?

Kill me, please.

Slow down

Slow down my brainP1000370

Slow down my heart

Slow down my death

Slow down my strife

Slow down my pain

Slow down my fear

Slow down my thirst

Slow down my ire

Slow down till you reach the stillness of a tomb

Slow down to the breath of a light summer breeze

Slow down till my thoughts feel like stagnant water

Slow down so I may sketch my own silhouette

Knee-deep in the mud

Knee-deep in the mud

Pieds dans la patouille

Liquor in the blood

Vision qui se brouille

Clouds in the brain

Sometimes even rain

Pouring from both eyes

Grimaces et tenailles

Goûte à la tambouille

Une âme qui rouille

Music in the mind

Sounds that make you blind

Purring in your ears

Confidence and fears

Lightning and thunder

Tear it asunder

Répit de passage

Sage comme un mirage

Ou panthère en cage



Rage and harmony

Animal et homme

Entre ciel et terre

Roots and atmosphère